The first cache on our hastily and poorly Szuchie-planned docket was Old Shep by everybody's favorite retired cacher H-to-Das-Beeeeezuhle. Most of the snow had been replaced by standing water and slop, but just seeing dirt and mud again was enough to make me about the most excited person on earth. On top of it, there were tons of little mini-icebergs all strewn about along the creek and into the nearby woods. Check 'em out!
All in all it was a really nice quarter-mile hike in the woods - and at the end of the trek there was a nice 50 cal ammo box. It was a great way to start the day - and even though the weather was a little crappy (cold and some snow), I was pretty pleased with the hike. So we made our way back and eventually made our way to Hero’s Quest: The Five Deadly Venoms by SwineSyndicate. This is a "newer" caching family that has really impressed with creative/unique hides in the woods away from all the park and grab stuff most newbies get started with an then hopelessly emulate. Lucky for me the Syndicate has a great knack for the kind of caches I like. This cache is located in Mill Road Park in West Seneca. This a super sweet place as it follows right along Cazenovia Creek. They did a really good job with this one - and all in all it was about a mile or two hike in the mud. It was heaven! Haha.
At the end of all things, I was a little tired as this was the first major hiking I had done in a while. But it felt really good and is helping for me to prep for bigger and better things! (*Hint*Hint*) They are calling for 50-degree weather this coming week...die snow, die!!! Yay!
Imagine my displeasure when the first thing I saw when I surfed to your blog was Huck's face. NOT a good first impression, lol.